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xResearchFox Consulting Pvt. Ltd.'s name, logo and published materials are subject to trademark and copyright protection, regardless of source. The Copyright & Quote Policy section is a detailed guide to how ResearchFox material is permitted and not permitted for use.
For further information on ResearchFox Policies, please contact ResearchFox
Being a global market research and consulting firm, we need to protect our reputation for objectivity. Hence, we have strict standards for appropriate use of company name, research and logo. The ResearchFox name and published materials are subject to Trademark and Copyright protection, regardless of where, when and how referenced. This policy defines how you may use the "ResearchFox" name, logo, and excerpt ResearchFox research. ResearchFox reserves the right of refusal.
The use of ResearchFox logo requires written permission from ResearchFox Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Clients may quote published research documents internally without pre-approval, as long as this happens in accordance with the ResearchFox Guidelines. You need to mark "For Internal Use Only" clearly for all internal documents.
All external use of the ResearchFox name, logo and research must be pre-approved by ResearchFox, except for "Limited Audience" documents, corporate/personal micro-blogs and personal blogs, which may include quoted materials without approval, provided policy-parameters are being followed. This requirement also applies to any third-party that writes and/or promotes content on your behalf, including partner organizations.
In order to maintain ResearchFox's independence and objectivity, ResearchFox do not allow any company specific quotes.